after the death of kentaro miura, i felt the need to share what his life dedication did for me personally.
Berserk has a lot of reviews and it will be more analytical and detailed about how Berserk deserves the best comic titles. More than that, it's ferocious and what it means to me is valuable to my mind. There's not much in a world like being in a relationship, in a world where you can influence me as a person, but the changing and affecting me of literary works is something only a masterpiece like Berserk can do.
berserk is very simply a cartoon about hardship and why guts continue to struggle until he finally reaches some form of happiness. for someone like me who suffered from my will to live, berserk hit me hard.
say what you do about berserk,whether you just like the first hundred chapters,whether you hate all the characters but more dark horse characters and so on,the fact that this cartoon brought me what i stand for today,i'm forever grateful.
berserk is a masterpiece to me and i hope the author can rest with peace of mind knowing how much people value his work.
thank you mr. miura lip miura centalou
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